
November 9th 2018

Lacoste, FR

“a domestic cat, usually of mixed breed, that lives primarily out-of-doors, in a feral or semi-feral condition on agricultural properties, usually sheltering in outbuildings”

The students of Savannah College of Art and Design present an exhibition of painting, installation, sculpture, and projection created during our time here in Lacoste France. BARN CAT is a response to our surroundings as outsiders, living and working on the periphery of the rural communities we are situated in. This exhibition is an effort to engage with the viewer in discussions over art and its presence within our environment.

Located in an old lavender barn in the south of France, the exhibition took place before major renovations were done. No longer used as a functional barn, the show served as a funerary act, signifying the end of the students’ time in Lacoste, but also the obsolete history of the space.

Featuring work by Shiloh Smith, Tiffany Pound, Luke Batchelder, Libby Barrett, John Manos, Lexi Hare, Ronit Joy Holtz, Jessie Glover, Elise Aleman, Alexis Lynn Baker, Martha McLeod, and Hannah Alsdorf

Co-Curated by Luke Batchelder, Ronit Joy Holtz, Martha McLeod, and Hannah Alsdorf