Physicially Distant, Spiritually Close

(Show card image) For Jeff, by the River, 4 in x 6 in, 35 mm film, 2020

(Show card image) For Jeff, by the River, 4 in x 6 in, 35 mm film, 2020


November 11th - December 11th 2020

Wolfgang Lexington and Hannah Alsdorf present PHYSICALLY DISTANT, SPIRITUALLY CLOSE, an online exhibition of film photography. Shot over the course of spring and summer 2020, Lexington and Alsdorf worked separately, but collaboratively in their respective locations. The opposing landscapes of the American Northeast and the Deep South reveal disparate, yet convergent motifs. The 25 selected photographs were shot on 35 mm film and developed in 4” x 6” format, mimicking the memorabilia of amateur photography. These double exposed images were produced by chance, creating unresolved narratives that conflate religious iconography and the residual physicality of place. The exhibition serves as a virtual panorama amplified by the sentimentality of seclusion, as found connection and individual realities come together on the same plane.