The Ides of March

(Center) Hope Deferred, 30 in x 30 in, acrylic on canvas, 2020(Right) Kill Shot, Adirondack Park, NY, 4 in x 6 in, 35 mm film, 2019

(Center) Hope Deferred, 30 in x 30 in, acrylic on canvas, 2020

(Right) Kill Shot, Adirondack Park, NY, 4 in x 6 in, 35 mm film, 2019


March 12th- 20th 2020

The Deer’s Head Inn, Elizabethtown, NY

The Ides marked the middle of each month on the Roman calendar; a time for religious observances, settling debts, and infamous for the betrayal of Julius Caesar. In the Northern Hemisphere, March seems to herald the seasonal overlap of Winter into Spring, however this period of time rarely makes a smooth transition. THE IDES OF MARCH: an Exhibition on Transition rests between the violence and the resolution of metamorphosis, the uncomfortable crossing over from one state into another: life to death, dormancy to rebirth, hibernation to consciousness.

Situated between the Eastern Adirondack High Peaks and the Western shores of Lake Champlain, the Deer’s Head is the Park’s oldest Inn. Having been a place of comings and goings for over two centuries, the inn’s function and location speak to the transient conditions we often find ourselves in.


(Digital photograph by Olivia Alsdorf 2020)